Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beneath the layers of make-up.

Over the years we have seen Hussain Sagar lake become a popular attraction in Hyderabad. The lush green lawns, tall trees, cobblestone walkways, restaurants, recreational facilities and the rapid transit facility called MMTS (Multi Modal Transport System) draw huge crowds not only on the weekends but the weekdays as well. A closer inspection however reveals an ugly face hidden behind all this make-up which is visible to everyone but draws reaction only from a small section of the citizens.

                                                                    Save the Lake
Lumbini Gate

It was a pleasant Sunday morning in Hyderabad. Around 2 dozen photographers from Hyderabad Weekend Shoots (HWS) got together outside Lumbini park gate on necklace road. Our motivation- to contribute to "Save the Lake" campaign by producing pictures depicting the plight of the lakes in the city. This made the walk different from other photowalks where we would take pictures for fun and to improve our skills.

Warriors against pollution

After posing for a group photo we started our walk Eastwards of the lake in search of evidence for our case.

My fellow photographers getting down and dirty.

Hussain Sagar lake was built by Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali in 1562 to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. In the 16th century it was 24 square kilometers in area but off late, it has become a victim of encroachment and illegal construction by land sharks. Apart from the usual dumping of industrial and domestic waste and indiscriminate usage of the lake by nearby slums, the popular festival of India called Ganesh Chethurthi contributes significantly to polluting the lake. Each year; thousands of idols made of clay and steel are dumped into this lake- a tradition, the origins of which are not clear but strictly followed. 

This blind spot behind the wall has become a garbage dump. It is only a matter of time before so much of it piles up, it will start spilling over into the lake.

The footprint of pollution.

Neil Armstrong said: One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

I say; one MORE wrong step by man, one giant catastrophe for mankind.

Even though the picture looks very gloomy, all is not yet lost. There are many things that are being/can be done by the government and the public to bring the situation under control. Campaigns like "Save the lake" will create awareness amongst the public. Improvement measures undertaken by Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority could have a significant impact but all efforts must be targeted at the crux of this problem- the citizens' laid back attitude and ignorance about the consequences of such pollution.

Hyderabad Weekend Shoots (HWS) is trying to do exactly that. We are going to cover the entire lake with few more walks and the best pictures will be displayed to the general public at the lake. Our desire is to bring about a realization and make the change occur from within each individual, rather than at a superficial level.

Even if our pictures don't speak a thousand words, we hope they will at least reaffirm the age old phrase "Cleanliness is next to godliness".